
Insuring Your Business

4 Legal Precautions To Take When Hiring Live Entertainment For Your Restaurant

When you hire live entertainment to make sure that your guests at your restaurant are entertained, there are a few legal boxes that you need to check first and a few legal matters you need to understand about bringing in outside entertainment to your restaurant.

Check with Your Insurance

The first thing you need to do is check your business liability policy and make sure that all of your customers and the live entertainment is covered under your liability policy. Make sure that your liability policy would cover any injuries a custom could sustain while the live entertainment is on or the entertains could sustain while performing at your place of business.

If for some reason having live entertainment is not covered by your liability policy, see if you can purchase a waiver for your event. You want to make sure that you have the right business insurance coverage in place before finalizing the event.

Find Out About Noise Ordinances

Second, find out if there are any noise ordinances that you need to know about. Your usual restaurant noise may not be that loud. Know the times that you have to stop excessive noise. See if you need to apply for a permit for your event. It is always best to work with your neighborhood where your business is located and be conscious of how the sound you put out impacts others.

Sign A Written Contract

Third, you should always sign a written contract with the entertainment. The contract should clearly state what each party will provide. For example, the contract may state that you are to provide advertising for the event and a stage and that the entertainment is to bring all their own equipment for the show.

Your written contract should provide information about the recourse that you can take if the entertainment does not show up. Payment methods and payment times should be clearly stated in the contract.

Be Prepared to Pay

Finally, if live entertainment you hire shows up and fulfills their contract, be ready to pay them at the end of the event. Remember, you can't skip out on paying the entertainment you hire just because you end up not liking the music or an act.

Bringing in live entertainment to your restaurants can help pull in additional patrons. Just make sure that your insurance covers having live entertainment on your premise. Make sure that you follow local noise ordinance rules. Always sign a written contract with the entertainment, and be prepared to pay if they fulfill the contract.

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Insuring Your Business

If you are like most people, you might not think that anyone would ever come after your business. Unfortunately, more business owners than ever before are dealing with the struggles involved with defending their businesses, which is why I started focusing carefully on finding the perfect insurance policy. I wanted to go through and make sure that my company was protected properly, just in case anything weird happened down the road. This blog is all about the benefits of having your business insured, as well as other great tips for business owners. Check out this blog to learn more than ever on insurance.


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